Why Does My Car Use Special Oil?
Most people know that they should use specific oil to lubricate the engine in their vehicles, but not many know why each car can use different types of oil. Though most of us use our vehicles to get to and from work, around town, and on extended road trips, not all cars are made the same, and neither is the oil. That is why each car manufacturer recommends a special oil type depending on your engine, the frequency with which you drive your vehicle, and the climate you live in.
Basically, there are several types of oil categories:
- Ultra class full synthetic oil
- Advanced full synthetic oil
- Synthetic blend oil
- High mileage oil
- Conventional oil that comes in varying thicknesses
There are several differences between synthetic oils and conventional oils. Synthetic oils are designed for fuel economy, are chemically structured to lubricate the tiniest of spaces, and endure extreme temperatures better. Conventional oil is what we get from Mother Earth. It lubricates engines very well and is often more affordable. Conventional oil can come in different viscosities or thicknesses. An example is a 10W-40 oil, which acts like a 10-weight (thinner) oil when the outside temperature is low, and a 40-weight (thicker) oil when the outside temperature is high.

Regardless of whether you are using synthetic or conventional oil in your vehicle, it is important that the oil flow easily throughout the engine so it covers and protects everything in its path. Oil changes are required on a regular basis because dirty oil, or oil that has become too thick, breaks down and no longer protects your engine like fresh oil does.
Each vehicle make and model requires a special oil, and Central Avenue Automotive has several oil brands and types on-hand to service the unique needs of each engine. Here are some descriptions of how these special oil types lubricate and protect the vehicles we service and repair at Central Avenue Automotive:
Ultra class full synthetic oil — This special oil is designed for high performance vehicles, like race cars and exotic sports cars. A synthetic oil of this type keeps the engine super clean, helps engines perform well in hot or cold weather, and is the best oil for harsh driving conditions — like stop-and-go traffic, short drives, heavy loads, and unpaved roads.
Advanced full synthetic oil — This special oil is designed for high compression engines and helps to prevent oil burn-off and high oil consumption. A full synthetic oil also keeps the engine cleaner longer and can handle all types of climates. This oil is also great for harsh driving conditions, similar to the ultra class oil.
Synthetic blend oil — Bringing the best of both oils to your vehicle is a synthetic blend. With the synthetic blend, the engine remains cleaner a little longer, and it is also more affordable than full synthetic oils.
High mileage oil — High mileage oil is best used in older cars because it is designed to stop leaks and and reduce oil consumption.
Conventional oil — This oil is what most people use in their vehicles because it is affordable and keeps the engine working well. However, conventional oil will break down faster, so conventional oil needs to be changed more often than synthetic oils. Based on your vehicle’s needs, we could put conventional oils such as 10W-40, 5W-20, or 0W-20 into your vehicle.
According to the “Click and Clack Guys,” Tom and Ray Magliozzi, conventional oils with varying viscosities can be used in different situations. For example, “…most vehicles have ‘severe duty’ recommendations in the owner’s manual. They’ll tell you that if you’re planning to climb Pike’s Peak with a trailer, if you’re using your car as a taxi, or if you live where it’s regularly above 100 degrees out, you qualify for special maintenance procedures. Those can include more frequent oil changes and/or use of a different oil.”
If you’re uncertain as to which oil your vehicle needs, look to the experts at Central Avenue Automotive. Our team will verify factory recommendations and assess which oil should be used based on your driving habits and the condition of your vehicle.
The next time you need an oil change, contact Central Avenue Automotive with questions, request an appointment online, or give us a call at (253) 854-6762. We look forward to serving you with the best oil that meets your vehicle’s unique requirements.
Photo Credit: jeffwilcox via Compfight cc