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Tires can be pretty expensive, and the better you take care of them, the longer they will last. Still, tires do have a life expectancy, but what that lifespan is seems to be up for debate. Some think that six years is the magic number, even if the tires haven’t actually been used. When tires sit on a shelf or have been in storage for six years, they still age and deteriorate. The Rubber Manufacturer Association says it isn’t as simple as that. Until the experts agree, it is up to us in the automotive service and repair industry to keep a good eye on our customers’ old tires.

Most consumers may not be aware that the date of manufacture is on your tire wall. For example, if you see a code such as 8PY806 stamped in a recessed rectangle on a tire, the 806 means it was manufactured in 2006 and in the eighth week of that year. When you purchase new tires, check the date. Some tires sit around for years before being sold as “new,” and you don’t want to purchase old tires when you’re paying for new!

It has been determined that over 6,000 accidents a year are caused by tire problems. That is not too surprising, considering that car manufacturers recommend we check our tire pressure every time we fill up our gas tank. Do you ever see anyone actually doing that? I’ve never personally witnessed it.

old tires

Photo Credit: andres musta via Compfight cc

Tires do come with wear bars or flat spots between the tread grooves. When the tread wears to the point equal to the flat spots, the tire needs to be replaced. When you look at a rubber tire and see cords showing through, bulges, deep cracks, or tread starting to separate, you have a very unsafe tire and should not drive on it.

Climate does play a factor in the aging of tires. NHTSSA says tires age faster in warmer climates, and high ambient temperatures can accelerate the aging process. This can cause tread separations. Tires that are used infrequently, such as those on collectible or recreational vehicles, can also age even though they aren’t used as much. These old tires might have great tread left, but the structural integrity gets weakened from disuse.

Many drivers are confused about when to replace tires. Check your owner’s manual and use those recommendations as guidelines. Again, a lot depends on your driving habits, the road conditions, and climate. Most manufacturers recommend replacing tires at least every six years, but some say ten.

Keeping your tires properly inflated is incredibly important to the tires’ lifespan. Some consumers think the tire pressure listed on the tire sidewall is the proper pressure. That is not true. That is the maximum the tire can hold. The recommended tire inflation pressure can be found in your owner’s manual, on the vehicle’s door jamb, or inside the fuel hatch filler flap or glove compartment in some vehicles. Keeping your tires at the recommended inflation can save you nine cents per gallon of gas!

While you’re thinking about tires, don’t forget the spare. Hopefully you won’t have to use it, but it’s nice to know it is ready just in case!

For more information about tires, give us a call any time.